Your spiritual journey is important to us. To help you make a well-informed decision, we created a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions.
Please contact us if we can be of further assistance. Our knowledgeable and courteous administrative staff will gladly assist you with any questions you may have.
As simply as it can be explained, what is living the Theocentric Way of Life?
This way of life comes with the realization that one’s personal ego and its will are only illusions. By giving them up to the only reality—God’s Presence—and allowing God’s Will to guide one through life (which is identical to living one’s soul’s purpose), together with taking time to meditate daily to further enhance the intuitive flow of God’s Guidance, one embraces a new way to live life. It is a path for one who either has attained or is seeking illumination of consciousness or mystical union with God, knowing that through such experience, life and its issues and complexities are resolved through God’s Guidance: “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven, (God’s Presence within you) and all else shall be added unto you.”
What kind of counseling does one offer as a Doctor of Theocentric Psychology, PsyThD.?
Counseling is one-on-one educational counseling. It is individualized according to the recipient’s background. The practitioner helps the client understand what needs to be done to transfer the person’s limited consciousness from personal ego to the far greater unlimited consciousness of God’s Presence at the center, or nucleus, of his or her mind, as well as why it needs to be done.
Note: The awarding of this degree does not give one the right to practice as a psychologist. Nor is it meant to replace medical or mental health providers. Theocentric Psychology is a non-secular, non-clinical approach to applying and living advanced spirituality in one’s life.
When practicing Theocentric Psychology while doing life coaching, how does it differ from standard life coaching?
The Doctor of Theocentric Psychology principals shift all attention in the person receiving coaching from trying to bring forth the potentials within the personal ego level of the mind to focusing on the ultimate source of potential—The Universal Consciousness of God’s Presence—which contains the creative resources, power, wisdom, and will to improve the life of anyone who seeks the ultimate treasure of human existence.
What are the degree initials for the Doctor of Theocentric Psychology?
Which university awards this doctoral degree?
The University of Sedona.
Will I receive a diploma?
Yes, once you have successfully met all the degree requirements, your tuition is paid in full, and your IMM Affiliation is current.
What does the curriculum comprise of?
121 study modules. See Curriculum
What is the tuition cost for current students to add the Theocentric degree?
– Option One: Total tuition payment of $640 when paid in full up front.
– Option Two: $690 total tuition with $90 down and 24 monthly interest-free payments of $25
Note: These fees are for electronic copies.
What is the tuition cost for new students?
New students can start out on a special Theocentric Psychology degree track and earn the bachelor’s degree in metaphysical science, ordained minister certificate, practitioner diploma, master’s, and Doctor of Theocentric Psychology, PsyThD. The tuition fee for electronic copies to new students is:
– Option One: Total tuition payment of $1,420 when paid in full up front.
– Option Two: Total tuition payment of $1,420 on a pay-in-thirds payment plan with $480 down payment and two additional payments of $470 for two months.
– Option Three: Total tuition payment of $1,640* on a 58-month payment plan with $25 monthly payments
*Must pay $190 down, leaving a balance of $1,450.
– Option Four: Total tuition payment of $1,640** on a 27-month payment plan with $50 monthly payments
**Must pay $290 down, leaving a balance of $1,350.
In what format will I receive my study materials?
All students will receive electronic materials at no cost; however, students who prefer hard copies may order them for an extra fee.
– Current students who are adding the Theocentric Psychology degree can have hard copies shipped, which come in two large boxes, for $300 domestic or $400 for International shipping.
– New students can have the bachelor’s, master’s, and Theocentric Psychology degree materials shipped for $450 domestic or $500 for International shipping.
What study materials will I receive?
Theocentric Psychology Volume I & Examination Booklet I
Theocentric Psychology Volume II & Examination Booklet II
Theocentric Psychology Volume III & Examination Booklet III
Theocentric Psychology Volume IV & Examination Booklet IV
Theocentric Psychology Volume V & Examination Booklet V
Academic Integrity Guidelines
University of Sedona Doctoral Dissertation Handbook
Is the Doctor of Theocentric Psychology program available to the public?
Yes, as long as you register for the Theocentric Psychology track from the onset, which includes the bachelor’s, master’s, and Doctor of Theocentric Psychology degrees.
Can I enroll if I haven’t completed my Bachelors degree yet?
Yes, but you can only submit your Doctor of Theocentric Psychology exams and dissertation once you have successfully completed your Master’s degree.
Can I substitute the Doctor of Theocentric Psychology degree for my initial doctorate?
Current students can add the Theocentric Psychology degree, but they may not substitute it for their current doctorate. In effect, current students will earn two doctorates once they complete the entire program.
New students who register for the Theocentric Track will earn the PsyThD. as their initial doctorate.
Can I complete the Doctor of Theocentric Psychology degree before I complete the initial doctorate I signed up for?
Is there a time frame to complete this program?
No, you can take as long as you require.
If required, will I receive help with my dissertation?
You have access to one of our Thesis/Dissertation Advisors for guidance by email or phone.
Additionally, we have many wonderful tools to help students write their research papers. They include:
- Thesis/dissertation webinars that cover the entire process of writing a research paper.
- IMM Virtual Writing Assistant and Thesis/Dissertation Tip Page in the Online Center, offering information on writing a statement of purpose, paraphrasing, easy ways to do in-text citations, how to avoid accidental plagiarism, proofreading tips, how to avoid commonly made mistakes, and much more.
- Preformatted thesis and dissertation templates.
- Thesis and dissertation handbooks with complete guidelines for writing your paper.
- Sample theses and dissertations in the Online Center.
- Extensive recommended reading list categorized by subject, which includes links for obtaining free and discounted books.
What happens if I have any questions?
Please contact us. Our courteous and supportive staff will help answer any questions you have.