Frequently Asked Questions

Theocentric Thinking:
Q&A Based on Dr. Master’s Curriculum

Part One of Four

As prospective students peruse Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ curriculum samples (Doctoral Program Curriculum Excerpts, Theocentric Psychology Curriculum Excerpts) and current students begin their mystical journey with the University, questions of a deeper spiritual nature arise. We received the following questions from one such student and felt the answers were worth sharing with students, graduates, and others, who seek a richer perspective of Dr. Master’s teachings.

These questions will be answered in a four-part series.

Part One of Four:

1. Does Dr. Masters only write to those who have already discovered their spiritual path?

2. Does Dr. Masters reference angels, divine masters, spirit guides and/or other forms of Divine Intervention with humans to encourage the human evolution of consciousness?

Part Two of Four:

3. What are Dr. Masters’ teaching on consciousness evolution and how the process happens? Is it merely human will? Do we alone decide that we need to connect to the God-Mind? Is the only path to the God-Mind meditation?

Part Three of Four:

4. Dr. Masters uses the words of Jesus, Buddha, and other masters, but does he refer to them as active spiritual forces?

5. According to Dr. Masters, what prompts us to recognize our need for the God-Mind or brings us to meditation?

Part Four of Four:

6. Does Dr. Masters’ work support the idea that “Out of loving desire to see us fully connected and evolved in our consciousness of God, God-Divine Source is constantly giving us opportunities and encouraging our evolution through spiritual messages, synchronicities, and physical circumstances to recognize the Higher Mind and seek to connect to it?”

Setting the Stage

As you read the responses to these questions, keep in mind the following:

  • All souls are at different stages in the process of evolution. Therefore, a spirit-inspired text will meet individuals where they are at in their own evolution process, regardless of where that is. In order to do so, these texts are written with layers of messages and meanings. This means some individuals reading solely with their human minds may not be ready for the highest stage of teachings and the growth that come with it. Therefore, they will glean lower-level messages that help them evolve at a non-threatening pace that is optimum for them. These individuals will receive the text differently from those more advanced in spiritual evolution, but they will receive what they need to move forward nonetheless (Masters, “Celebrating the Mysteries of Christ, the Resurrection and You” video lecture).

    This very same spirit-inspired message, when read with the heart and soul, or God-Mind, of more spiritually evolved individuals, will blossom into new and different understandings, moving these individuals forward at a much faster pace of understanding. These individuals will glean a deeper meaning of the text that on the surface may seem completely different from what lesser-evolved individuals get from the reading. The evolved soul will “know” the truth of a message that seems incomprehensible—or possibly threatening––to other individuals. Furthermore, when you channel Universal Consciousness, “The spiritual truth you channel is specific to your own spiritual needs” (Masters, Theocentric Psychology, 1: 2).
  • Despite the mesmerism of dualism, we are all one with Source (Masters, Bachelor’s 1: 36). Those who do not understand this at the core of their being––those who do not “know” this or can’t even get a glimpse of this fact here and there––will see humans and spirit as “us and them” instead of the whole of “all.” The ego that fears losing its false identity of self will always think in terms of “us and them” instead of we and one (Masters, Theocentric Psychology 2: 132). It can take many lifetimes to grasp this concept in its entirety.

Dr. Masters puts it beautifully in the Theocentric Psychology course: “Consciously or unconsciously, all who have risen beyond the intellectual chains that bind others have responded to something more within themselves. Jesus knew it, proclaimed it, and identified it for all as the indwelling Spirit of God. Those who have had the experience of mystical perception of their Absolute Self-Reality know it as ‘The Light that removes the limiting darkness of intellectual comprehension from the human mind.’ Those who have, thus, stood in Its Presence within themselves know that there is never any limitation to anyone’s life––only an intellectual illusion of it. Once free of this illusion, the human mind becomes free within itself to respond to the Presence of God within it that sustains it and can inspire it. If one chooses God over intellect––and truly means it––then the Universal doors of the mind are flung open, and the conscious mind becomes suddenly alive with optimism” (1: 2).

Questions and Answers

  1. Does Dr. Masters only write to those who have already discovered their spiritual path? Dr. Masters writes in layers of meanings that reach those new to the spiritual path as well as those who have been on it for a long time.
  2. Does Dr. Masters reference angels, divine masters, spirit guides and/or other forms of Divine Intervention with humans to encourage the human evolution of consciousness?

Who, what is this “indwelling Spirit of God?” Who, what are Divine Masters and spirit guides? What is Divine Intervention? And finally, who are we in comparison to them? Give these questions some deep thought before reading further.

Dr. Masters’ writes:

“Once individuals have united themselves with a oneness with God’s Spirit within them, the credo of their life should be, ‘All channels are open to me.’ They can believe that God’s good for their life can reach them in numerous ways. . . . The conscious mind becomes a receptacle for a Universal Flow of Consciousness that fills it with many different possibilities of what a person may do to improve their life at any given moment” (Theocentric Psychology 1: 3).

A “Universal Flow of Consciousness” is much like tapping into Cosmic Consciousness, or what Jung referred to as the Collective Unconscious. “Dr. Jung attributed certain dramatic changes that are possible in a person’s personality to changes originating in the collective unconscious. Spiritually, the collective unconscious is part of the Kingdom within. . . . Mystics have taught that the center, or nucleus, of the human mind is Universal. The Universal part of one’s mind, according to many teachings of Mystics, could be defined as: Infinite Mind, Universal Mind, God Mind, God Within” (Theocentric Psychology 1: 8).

Let’s break some of this down and apply it to the question. When Dr. Masters says, “All channels are open to me,” this means ALL channels, which include transitioned spirits, Divine Masters, and Divine Inspiration. Notice that he did not say all intellectual channels or earthly channels of information or all scientific channels of information. He simply says “All channels.” How do we know this includes transitioned individuals, Divine Masters, and Divine (or God- Inspired) Inspiration?

Because we are all connected to the “Universal Flow of Consciousness,” or the totality of consciousness, the oneness of being, the Cosmic Mind, which must by its very nature include transitioned souls, Divine Masters (who are just souls like you but ones who fully transcended the egoic mind and have dedicated their lives here on earth and post-transitional spirit lives to lifting up the spirit of others), and God. As we transcend the egoic mind, we tap into the One Mind, which is the collective Universal Mind that is All. We become open to Its intuitive guidance. But it rarely happens all at once. As we work toward spiritual enlightenment, intuitive guidance trickles in, and we call it coincidence. As our enlightenment progresses, intuitive guidance becomes stronger, and we call it intuition. Eventually, our enlightenment becomes such that our intuitive guidance is an awareness of Universal Consciousness, and we become inspired by the Divine light of enlightened souls living on earth, spirit helpers, and Divine Masters. Finally, our duality is shed, and we live in a steady stream of Universal Flow of Consciousness, and we become “in the world, but not of it.” We don’t just tap into the Oneness, we live in it because we are it.

So, what is Divine intervention?

Divine intervention, according to Dr. Masters, is “an event or experience [that] superseded your intellect” (Theocentric Psychology 4: 41). Furthermore, he says, “God’s Consciousness exists in the consciousness throughout your body. God knows exactly what you need . . . “ (4: 68). For example, “God can direct you to the right natural remedy, the right doctor, the right medicine, and in most instances, will heal you without any outside intervention” (4: 68).

In other words, we think certain events in our lives are Divine intervention because they are beyond the limited thinking capacity of our human thinking minds. If we look at Divine intervention in the context of what we previously learned about Universal Consciousness, it is an event that we experience because we are ready to experience it, and we are allowing ourselves to experience it. Our spirit has evolved to the point where we are tapping into Universal Consciousness unconsciously. Which makes it seem like Divine intervention or a miracle, because if we were spiritually more evolved, we would know that miracles are our birthright. We just think they are miracles because we are thinking from our human mind, rather than our God- Mind. Did we miraculously become cured? Or did we on some level realize the illness was an illusion and let go of the illusion? Did a god intervene to cause something to happen in our lives, or are we in touch with our God-Mind enough that we allow these miracles to come forth? In reality, miracles are us stepping aside of the egoic mind––even briefly––long enough to allow the God that dwells within us to give us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.

Additional Degree Information

Prospective students can learn more about the University’s standard doctoral degrees, by using this link: Doctoral Program Curriculum Introduction. To enroll, click here: Enroll with a Scholarship.

To learn more about our the Doctor of Theocentric Psychology degree, visit:

New students can enroll in the Theocentric Psychology Track by visiting

Current students can add the Doctor of Theocentric Psychology degree to their program, but they cannot switch to this doctorate. To add this degree, use this link: Be sure to select Doctor of Theocentric Psychology, PsyThD., under the University of Sedona.