Frequently Asked Questions

Theocentric Thinking:
Q&A Based on Dr. Master’s Curriculum

Part Three of Four:

As prospective students peruse Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ curriculum samples (Doctoral Program Curriculum Excerpts, Theocentric Psychology Curriculum Excerpts) and current students begin their mystical journey with the University, questions of a deeper spiritual nature arise. We received the following question from one such student and felt the answers were worth sharing with students, graduates, and others, who seek a richer perspective of Dr. Master’s teachings. Note: If you haven’t already read Part One of Four, you may do so by clicking on this link: Part One. Read here Part Two of Four.

Questions and Answers

1- Dr. Masters uses the words of Jesus, Buddha, and other masters, but does he refer to them as active spiritual forces?

By virtue of all that has been discussed thus far in Parts One and Two of this Q&A series, a Divine Master can only be an active spiritual force in one’s life if one:

  • Believes without doubt and knows in one’s heart that these benevolent spirits are powerful forces that can become active in one’s life.
  • Invites such a Spiritual Master into one’s life. Meditation, as defined earlier in Part Two, and right action are the best way to accomplish this.
  • Raise one’s vibrational level to meet the Divine Master, who must lower his/her/its vibrational level, to meet yours.

Remember, Jesus, Buddha, and other masters are all part of Universal Consciousness, which Dr. Masters’ speaks of throughout all his coursework.

2- According to Dr. Masters, what prompts us to recognize our need for the God-Mind or brings us to meditation?

“There is but One Ultimate Purpose in the Universe. The One Ultimate Purpose is to be one with and express Universal Will” (Theocentric Psychology 1: 45). Although it is this innate yearning that drives us to the God-Mind, there are many situations that cause us to ultimately realize that this is the only answer. Those catalysts could be:

  • Feelings of loneliness or sadness which occur when we step away from source.
  • Feelings of emptiness that cannot be filled with things of a material nature.
  • A lack of purpose in life because we are not in touch with our ultimate purpose in Source.
  • Nothing seems to every go right, which happens when we follow our own personal will, rather than our own.
  • Feelings of helplessness or powerlessness, for no amount of money, power, or talent can replace the hole in our hearts that only God can fill.

There are many more, but you get the picture. No matter how bad or good things are here on earth, we will feel a sense of missing something if Divine Source is not in our lives. This causes inner promptings of the soul that urge us to connect with the God-Mind. If heeded, we get back on track and experience peace and joy. If we don’t recognize this need, we might seek “fulfillment” in sex, alcohol, drugs, adrenaline sports, or any number of things that cannot bring us ultimate happiness.

A refined soul may also sense its inner need to connect with the God-Mind as part of its grand plan or reason for incarnating.